VoiceSearch For iPhone - Cydia Tweak To Activate Gogole Voice From Anywhere ~ Geeky Apple - The new iPad 3, iPhone iOS6 Jailbreaking and Unlocking Guides | Best iPhone Applications For Business | Scoop.it
VoiceSearch Cydia tweak for iPhone and iPad Google Voice search for iPhone free download cydia tweak.


This week has been raining cydia tweaks for iPhone and iPad. With iOS6 around and Android's Jellybean, developers have begun experimenting and porting various tweaks over iPhones and iPads. The flexibility of jailbreaking allows uses to install any tweaks by tweaking around. Over 10 tweaks were released this week, some of them were most awaited like safari download manager for iOS5 and major update to animate boot logo app which is now animateall. In the midst of these tweaks, Google's jelly bean showed amazing google voice search integration. That was impressive.


Google voice integration into iOS would be amazing, wouldn't it be? Exactly! Cydia developer has just released a tweak that allows full integration of Google Voice into iOS iPhone. This tweak works irrespective of iOS version on any iPhone. There is no confirmation that this tweak works on iPad. Voice Search for iPhone is inspired from Android's Google voice search and is freely available in cydia.