LockWee Cydia Tweak For iPhone - Get Widgets On Lock Screen iOS5 ~ Geeky Apple - The new iPad 3, iPhone iOS6 Jailbreaking and Unlocking Guides | Best iPhone Applications For Business | Scoop.it
Lockwee for iPhone Cydia tweak lockwee for lockscreen widgets get widgets on iPhone lock screen with lockwee cydia tweak apps for iPhone lock screen customization UI...


LockWee is a new cydia tweak that allows you to have widgets on your lock screen beside the clock. The best part about lockwee is that it is fully customizable. You can now add now make you lock screen more useful by adding widgets. If you are a user who already has intelliscreen on your lock screen then do not purchase this tweak because lockwee is not compatible with intelliscreen as the latter has its own widgets on lock screen which will cause the system to crash and eventually landing into safe mode. You can also add sbsettings shorcuts like 3G or WiFi toggle on your lockscreen.

Cydia Description With lockwee you can put widgets on your lock screen in an elegant way! If you need them just drag the time view aside and there you get your first widget repeat it to get the second one. All of them are fully interactive! If this tweak has dragging inside(like sbsetings) just drag from this middle area to interact with the widget or drag from the slide to move to the next widget! Also if you enable double tap to lock from settings app once you double tap on the sides the scrolling view will be locked and you won't be able to switch to the next widget!(double tap again to unlock)

Features Of LockWee

Set the screen to undim by timer Add shadow to widgets Add border to widgets Fully customizable widgets Developer Gil Ben Moshe has already contributed to Cydia with tweaks like: HTCLock DockColorize Powerguard

Imp: LockWee is not compatible with intelliscreenX

You can purchase Lockwee from Cydia Store for $0.99 from Big Boss repository.