Best 10 Personal Cloud Storage Devices to Manage Your Files | Best |

One thing that we can’t seem to get enough of these days is storage. Taking photos, videos and collecting thousands of MP3′s does take its toll on our hard drives. And with such a massive collection of digital memories, the demand for more storage has never been bigger. However, these days, just chucking another hard drive in your computer won’t cut it, most users want to have an unified storage option that spands across all their devices.


Enter cloud storage – the elegant solution that allows users to upload all their digital media into one single place and access it from any device. But even cloud storage has its limitations. For one, you can only get so much free space, after which you need to pay for every extra GB. Also, for the more security conscious of you out there, there is the possibility of data theft and the constant thought that once you’ve pressed that “delete” button, your information is still hiding in a data-center in some distant corner of the world. Another approach to this problem can be a personal cloud device, and today, the author will be taking a look at some of of the best different services that are out there.

Via The Learning Factor