28 Best Adobe Illustrator Tutorials of 2014 | Best | Scoop.it

Adobe Illustrator is one of the leading software of the design world that lets users create vectorized graphics. Letting users creating cool vector graphics, since its release, Illustrator has become vital part of designing.

Each month, we collect our favorite vector and illustrators for designers who wish to take their knowledge to another level.  For the month of February, we have handpicked around 28 best Adobe Illustrator tutorials by renowned Illustrators around the globe.

For all those of you who are new to the Illustrator and are seeking help, here are some of the really interesting and useful Adobe Illustrator Tutorials for the month of February. Talking about Adobe Illustrators we have come up in the preceding month here is a list for your reference incase you have missed it out, here it is- Best Adobe Illustrator Tutorials of January 2014.