Speeding up Android development with Android-x86 and VirtualBox | Dev Breakthroughs | Scoop.it

I’m starting to learn how to develop to Android and so far to me the only downside of the whole dev environment is the painfully slow Android Emulator. Don’t get me wrong, it’s such a beautifully made emulator that covers most (if not all) details of a real device, I specially like tricks such as limiting network bandwidth to simulate your app under a slow connection, but let’s face it, the thing is slow.

I have to say I don’t have a top of line computer either, it’s a Core 2 Duo with 4gb of RAM running Ubuntu 11.10 (amd64), so I started searching for tricks to speedup the emulator, until I found that Android-x86 can be used as a emulator. The experience is not as good as Google’s official emulator but with some tweaks you can really speedup turnaround both in boot time and overall execution speed. OK, TL;DR, enough small talk, let’s get down to business...