The Evolution and top 10 game changers of Social Media an infographic | E-Learning-Inclusivo (Mashup) |

So 2014 is now well and truly upon us and I think I am right in saying our lives would be incomplete now without the social web. When you take a careful look around everyone seems to have their smartphone either glued to the palm of their hand or a tablet within grabbing distance. It appears we have all become obsessed or addicted to using our phones and we seem to get a strange kind of anxiety when we can’t find them.


What did we do before mobile devices? I remember trying to arrange to meet friends when I was a teenager and you never quite knew if they were going to turn up late or not but today it doesn’t matter as you can tweet, Whatsapp, text or even -heaven forbid – actually call them. This enables us all to have that constant always-on access to the internet and stay in touch by our social media channels.