Educational Technology Guy: 10 Technology Skills Every Educator Should Have | Eclectic Technology |

"Overall, educators need to understand some basics about technology and that it is not a be-all-end-all solution to everything in a classroom. Technology can help teachers differentiate and provide new experiences for their students. Technology can also help students better understand a concept and provide extra help for them. Educators need to start with good pedagogy and lesson objectives and activities and then look for technology that can enhance those lessons, improve teaching and learning, and help students learn."
So what do you need? As well as listing ten specific skills links are included to help you learn/refresh the skills as well as a link to an article published earlier this year on "The How's, Why's and Value of Educational Technology. Below are three of the items listed...check out the article for the complete list.
* Internet Search and Research
* Hardware Basics and Troubleshooting
* Finding Apps and Software