12 Valuable Wordle Tips You Must Read…Word Clouds in Education Series: Part 1 | Eclectic Technology | Scoop.it

"I have long heard of Word Webbing, Words Diagrams, Word Art, but how about a Word Cloud? By now you may be either familiar with a Word Cloud, have googled the Weather Channel to get a better idea, or maybe have taken a look out your window to see if there really is such a thing. The concept of a Word Cloud maintains that “If a picture paints a thousand words, then what can a thousand words paint?” The answer of course is a Wordle. Yes, Wordles are amazing Word Clouds that can be created by all."

A wealth of information about word clouds with a focus on Wordle with additional posts to come, covering 100 ways to use Word Clouds in your classroom, other word cloud generatorss and moving beyond word clouds.