The Legacy of Albert B. Sabin, best known as the developer of the oral live virus polio vaccine | History of Immunology |
Convinced the polio virus lived primarily in the intestines, Dr. Sabin focused on isolating a mutant form of the polio virus incapable of producing the disease and thereby safe for introduction to the human body. This avirulent virus would reproduce rapidly in the intestines, displacing lethal forms of the polio virus and providing protection from the disease. Dr. Sabin's ultimate vision was to identify a live, safe variant polio virus that could be administered orally to combat poliomyelitis. Dr. Sabin and his research associates first ingested the live avirulent viruses themselves before experimenting on others. The oral vaccine was first tested outside the USA from 1957 to 1959. Ultimately, a successful Sabin vaccine was used to eradicate polio throughout the world.