Awakenings: Women of the Wild West | Human Interest |

"Today's History Lesson...a look into the Women of the American West

"These women of the Wild West shot down the view that life as a female pioneer was about cooking, sewing, cleaning and caring for children." ~Women of the Wild West

When we study or reflect back on historical events, we do not necessarily examine only what happened on that particular day. Everywhere in the history books at some point in time lies a piece of someone's story. In the stories of the wild, wild West lie many phenomenal women...the nonconforming women, those who were mavericks, loners, adventurers, eccentrics with a will to stand on their own and stronger will to survive. It took guts for women to traverse cross country often leaving behind an aristocratic Eastern life of high society settling for a much different way of life in the Western Frontier. At the heart of their adventure was always a true love!"

Via Sharla Shults