Awakenings: If it's covered in chocolate, it has to be good! | Human Interest |

"What is your favorite nut...and I don't mean comedian? There have been many opportunities throughout the year to celebrate different kinds of nuts from the actual nut itself to various nutty recipes to those smothered, covered or dipped in chocolate. The nut for this next celebration had you Feelin' Nutty back in November making the statement "Sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don't" followed by the question "...but when do you NOT feel like a cashew?"

Just saying the word makes you want to pull a handful out of a can or bag and chomp, chomp, chomp away! Then, to completely cover them in chocolate is absolutely sinful! But, let's do it!

April 21 is... Chocolate-Covered Cashews Day"

Via Sharla Shults