Burger, burger...this time with CHEESE! | Human Interest | Scoop.it

"WOW! What is it with all the burger days? Of course, the answer to that question is simple: because they are so-o-o-o-o-o-o-o good! During the month of May, you could have indulged on any day since it was National Hamburger Month. Then, you were encouraged on May 28th to Have it your way! on National Hamburger Day in National Hamburger Month. According to wikipedia, May 28th is International Hamburger Day and August 27th is National Burger Day. That gave you a choice or you could have simply celebrated on both days since you may have been eating burgers all month anyway. Whew! May 28th is also designated as National Burger Day in the UK, which was launched in 2013.

September 18 is not another burger day for you to Bite my...burger! It's...National Cheeseburger Day"

Via Sharla Shults