Awakenings: ♫Oh, Pretty Woman!♫ | Human Interest |

"It is not unusual for a novel to become a movie. Many classics have resounded their presence decade after decade upon the silver screen. Among the greats are Gone With the Wind, The Great Gatsby, The Last Picture Show, To Kill a Mockingbird, just to name a few. There are also movie series, such as Harry Potter and Twilight. Less known are the songs that have been made into movies. A few that immediately come to mind are Stand By Me, La Bamba, Walk the Line, Cold Miner's Daughter and The Night the Lights Went Out in Georgia. The song in the spotlight today is still going strong over 50 years after its release with the movie being an all-time favorite.

Today in Music History: August 29, 1964

Welcome into the Spotlight...Roy Orbison

Via Sharla Shults