Awakenings: Let's TALK Chicken! | Human Interest |

"A Bit of Humor to 'kick start' your day...

Buck,buck...buck...buckAHHHH; brrk, brroock, broock, brk-ooock; bwwaaaaaaaaaaaakkkkk and bock,bock,bock,bock,bock,begowwwwk!
NO! I did not make the sounds as I typed or did I?  

My husband and I both awoke this morning in rare form! Laughter is ever present in our household but this morning was different. Ever been so tired you became 'punchy'? Everything you saw, everything you said seemed funny and you laughed at the silliest things almost to the point of hysteria like running on high from too much caffeine. That's us today and would you believe it led to the topic of conversation being chicken." 

Via Sharla Shults