Awakenings: ♫The Way We Listen♫ | Human Interest |

"...whoever has spoken into the mouthpiece of the phonograph, and whose words are recorded by it, has the assurance that his speech may be reproduced audibly in his own tones long after he himself has turned to dust. The possibility is simply startling..." --Scientific American, November 17, 1877

We have come a long way in 138 years in the way we listen...especially to music. With digital technology abundantly prevalent in the 21st century, it is hard to imagine a world without the ability to produce sound recordings. Yet, we all know everything has a must start somewhere, some time. In 1877, the first phonograph was invented by Thomas Edison. The phonograph was the first method of recording and playing back sound. This was Edison's first great invention, which gave him international fame. He toured the country with the phonograph and was even invited to the White House to demonstrate the invention to President Rutherfor B. Hayes in 1878.

Via Sharla Shults