Awakenings: "Please speak more slowly" | Human Interest |

"I must admit when I was in school, my least favorite subject was history. Not for a moment could I see any relevance in memorizing what occurred on this day in that year and that date in this year, in this decade and that decade, from one century to the next. Perhaps the problem was no more than simply memorization...memorize, memorize, memorize only to regurgitate fact after fact in order to pass a test! Never was a connection made to how this day in history connected the past to the present nor how it laid the foundation for people, places and things yet to be. 

This Day in History: May 10, 1877"

Abraham Lincoln pioneered government use of the telegraph during the Civil War. Lincoln’s successor, Andrew Johnson, had the first telegraph room built in the White House. On May 10, 1877, President Rutherford B. Hayes had the first telephone installed in the telegraph room of the White House.

Via Sharla Shults