Awakenings: Is 'rarebit' rabbit? | Human Interest |

"September 3 is... National Welsh Rarebit Day

The image looks like ooey, gooey melted cheese on sourdough bread, doesn't it? There is a 'secret' ingredient and the 'rarebit' is NOT rabbit!

Welsh Rarebit is a traditional Welsh dish. If you are into experimenting with an international dish, this is probably one of the easiest to prepare. Before going any further, a bit of clarification is necessary since "rarebit" actually is a Welsh term for "rabbit". Much the same as mock turtle soup having no turtle in it, the term 'rarebit' is not to be interpreted as a rare bit of rabbit. Welsh Rarebit does NOT contain rabbit. None. Nada. Zilch."

Via Sharla Shults