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Rescooped by Skuuppilehdet from Awakenings: America & Beyond!

Awakenings: ♫The Way We Listen♫

Awakenings: ♫The Way We Listen♫ | Human Interest |

"...whoever has spoken into the mouthpiece of the phonograph, and whose words are recorded by it, has the assurance that his speech may be reproduced audibly in his own tones long after he himself has turned to dust. The possibility is simply startling..." --Scientific American, November 17, 1877

We have come a long way in 138 years in the way we listen...especially to music. With digital technology abundantly prevalent in the 21st century, it is hard to imagine a world without the ability to produce sound recordings. Yet, we all know everything has a must start somewhere, some time. In 1877, the first phonograph was invented by Thomas Edison. The phonograph was the first method of recording and playing back sound. This was Edison's first great invention, which gave him international fame. He toured the country with the phonograph and was even invited to the White House to demonstrate the invention to President Rutherfor B. Hayes in 1878.

Via Sharla Shults
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Rescooped by Skuuppilehdet from Awakenings: America & Beyond!

Awakenings: Shout-outs for the Orange Blossom

Awakenings: Shout-outs for the Orange Blossom | Human Interest |

"What is the first image that comes to mind when you hear someone mention orange blossom? There are actually two main “orange blossoms.” One is the most often thing that comes to mind – the flowers of the orange tree. The second one, and less well known or obvious, is a mixed drink. Of course, it doesn't stop with just two. If you live in Florida, you are very familiar with the Orange Blossom being Florida's state flower. There is also the light, golden aromatic orange blossom honey and then, there is Johnny Cash! Whatever the image, get ready to celebrate... #NationalOrangeBlossomDay!

June 27 is...
National Orange Blossom Day"

Via Sharla Shults
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Rescooped by Skuuppilehdet from Awakenings: America & Beyond!

Awakenings: Footsteps of History & Trail of Tears

Awakenings: Footsteps of History & Trail of Tears | Human Interest |

"Today's History Lesson...America's Footsteps

From one year to the next, historical events fill the calendar...from the past to the present into the future. Some are remembered on a annual basis, even to having their own day of celebration being designated as a special calendar event. Others are remembered only when reminded of their significance in America's poignant history. 

On this day, June 25, first reflect on historical footprints, tears follow...

It took war for America to win its independence in 1776; then, civil war almost tore a nation apart!"

Via Sharla Shults
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Rescooped by Skuuppilehdet from Awakenings: America & Beyond!

Awakenings: Women of the Wild West

Awakenings: Women of the Wild West | Human Interest |

"Today's History Lesson...a look into the Women of the American West

"These women of the Wild West shot down the view that life as a female pioneer was about cooking, sewing, cleaning and caring for children." ~Women of the Wild West

When we study or reflect back on historical events, we do not necessarily examine only what happened on that particular day. Everywhere in the history books at some point in time lies a piece of someone's story. In the stories of the wild, wild West lie many phenomenal women...the nonconforming women, those who were mavericks, loners, adventurers, eccentrics with a will to stand on their own and stronger will to survive. It took guts for women to traverse cross country often leaving behind an aristocratic Eastern life of high society settling for a much different way of life in the Western Frontier. At the heart of their adventure was always a true love!"

Via Sharla Shults
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Rescooped by Skuuppilehdet from Awakenings: America & Beyond!

Awakenings: "The King" - NO! Not Elvis!

Awakenings: "The King" - NO! Not Elvis! | Human Interest |

"Move forward 148 years from the War of 1812 to the year 1960.

STOP! Dependent upon the era in which you grew up, you may or may not be familiar with the TV commercial whose opening line was "Don't touch that dial!" Well, similar instructions apply here. Don't touch the link below to this day in history! Test your knowledge first of the person in question and his game from a touch of trivia. Move ahead slowly, don't scroll to the bottom!

This Day in History: June 18, 1960

The person: ? The event: ? The game: ?"

Via Sharla Shults
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Rescooped by Skuuppilehdet from Awakenings: America & Beyond!

Awakenings: What's Happenin'? Go Fishin'!

Awakenings: What's Happenin'? Go Fishin'! | Human Interest |

"Get ready! Get set! Go...Fishin'!

June 18 is...
 Go Fishing Day

Chart a course right to your favorite fishin' hole! Nothing better than a day outdoors, better still a day on or near the water. Fishing can be fun, especially as a family outing plus the catch can be quite enjoyable. Don't have an upscale fishing rod, tackle box or fancy lures? Cool! The most fun is catching catfish with a cane pole and red wigglers!"

Via Sharla Shults
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Rescooped by Skuuppilehdet from Awakenings: America & Beyond!

Awakenings: Eat it like ice cream!

Awakenings: Eat it like ice cream! | Human Interest |
Ice cream has been a favorite since... There is no definitive record as to the inventor or exact date of the origin of ice cream. However, 'tis not ice cream that is in the limelight today but rather a competitor that has been around for over four millennia, particularly in the Middle East and India. The plain, creamy version was introduced to the United States as a health food in the 1900s. A rise in popularity resulted in prepackaged versions becoming available in the 1930s. By the 1970s, with the popularity of ice cream surging, the new frozen variety emerged.

June 4 is...
National Frozen Yogurt Day
(On some calendars celebrated February 6 or 8)

Via Sharla Shults
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Rescooped by Skuuppilehdet from Awakenings: America & Beyond!

Awakenings: Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn!

Awakenings: Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn! | Human Interest |
Today's History Lesson...the movies

Ah-h-h-h! Where would we be without the movies...a favorite pastime indeed that allows each of us to live out one fantasy at a time. The actors, actresses, scenes, music, excitement and unforgettable movie lines remain vividly ingrained in the scrapbook of the mind.

Today in History: June 27, 1939

Via Sharla Shults
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Rescooped by Skuuppilehdet from Awakenings: America & Beyond!

Awakenings: Perfect is 'Parfait'

Awakenings: Perfect is 'Parfait' | Human Interest |
Grab a glass or perhaps even a Mason jar. This glass is not to be filled with a beverage but a foodie considered the perfect way to end the day. If all ingredients are not on hand, it's not too late for a quick grocery store run. After all, this is a prime example why some stores are called 'convenient'! You will need granola, nuts, yogurt or pudding, fresh fruits, and whipped cream. If you are not into granola, bits of cookies could be added for extra crunch. There is even a way to watch those calories. Cottage cheese can be substituted for the whipped cream or even your favorite flavored Jello. Whatever you choose, get ready to just layer it!

June 25 is...
National Strawberry Parfait Day

Via Sharla Shults
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Rescooped by Skuuppilehdet from Awakenings: America & Beyond!

Awakenings: Pray-leen, Praw-line or Prah-lean

Awakenings: Pray-leen, Praw-line or Prah-lean | Human Interest |
The word for today is "praline". No other spelling other than p-r-a-l-i-n-e. How you pronounce it is an entirely different and somewhat debatable subject matter. Pray-leen, praw-line or prah-lean? In the good ol' USA, the most acceptable pronunciation is "pray-leen". You know...just like something you do in church. Along the East Coast of Georgia, it's pronounced "praw-line" if you please. In Louisiana and along the Gulf Coast, the tendency leans more toward the southern “prah-leen” because of the French cultural influence in the area. The candy's namesake after all is du Plessis-Praslin, a 17th century French nobleman. No matter how you pronounce it, praline candy makes for a mighty fine treat.

June 24...
National Pralines Day

Via Sharla Shults
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Rescooped by Skuuppilehdet from Awakenings: America & Beyond!

Awakenings: To all Fathers...

Awakenings: To all Fathers... | Human Interest |
Sunday, June 19, 2016 is Father's Day...a day of honor and celebration for our dads and fathers. Not all fathers are dads nor are all dads fathers. Each holds a special place in a child's, teen's or adult's heart. Regardless of the role—dad, father or both—not any one of us could be here without having been fathered. With fatherhood comes a tremendous responsibility encompassing tasks of sharing, caring and preparing for life's journey.

May this Father's Day be filled with wondrous blessings that continue through each day of the year! To each of you...A Father's Day Salute!

Via Sharla Shults
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Rescooped by Skuuppilehdet from Awakenings: America & Beyond!

Awakenings: War & a Song

Awakenings: War & a Song | Human Interest |

"Today's History Lesson...19th Century

America's freedom was not free but came at a high price...a price of sacrifice. While America's independence was declared in 1776, this did not put an end to British attempts to restrict U.S. trade, the Royal Navy’s impressment of American seamen and America’s desire to expand its territory.

This Day in History: June 18, 1812...The War of 1812

It was during this time of war (1812-1815) that Francis Scott Key penned the words to the Star-Spangled Banner. There is an extreme amount of emotion involved in fully understanding the era before the battle, the defense of Fort McHenry, the poem, the tune, as well as the poem and tune becoming our anthem."

Via Sharla Shults
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Rescooped by Skuuppilehdet from Awakenings: America & Beyond!

Awakenings: The Money of the Day!

Awakenings: The Money of the Day! | Human Interest |

"This Day in History: June 5, 1933

In 1873, the United States adopted gold as a formal gold specie standard. A true gold standard came to fruition in 1900 with the passage of the Gold Standard Act. This remained in place until June 5, 1933 when the United States went off the gold standard, a monetary system in which currency is backed by gold. President Franklin D. Roosevelt had taken note of Britain's economy when the gold standard was dropped in that country in 1931."

Via Sharla Shults
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