Unsplash, the Web’s Premier Free Photo Library, Opens Up Its Vaults - Wired | iPads, MakerEd and More  in Education | Scoop.it
IF YOU’RE BUILDING an app or website and you need a photo of a pineapple, a beach in Okinawa, a young woman wearing sunglasses, or a monk feeding a tiger, check out Unsplash. The vast online repository features 200,000 high-resolution images, every one of them free to download and use however you like. Create an ad, illustrate a Medium post, assemble your next album cover, whatever.

Some big names have grown hip to Unsplash. When Facebook launched its Slack competitor Workplace, it turned to Unsplash for marketing photos. Visit the Apple App Store and you’ll see Unsplash photos in the screenshots of many apps appearing in the “featured” slot. But you don’t have to be a tech company to quickly and easily mine the Unsplash archive. The company just made its primary developer tool available to everyone for free.