Handy iPad Tips for Teachers - Educators Technology | iPads, MakerEd and More  in Education | Scoop.it
iPad is a versatile device that embeds tons of interesting features that are not immediately visible to the lay user. Knowing how to operate these features can make a whole difference in your productivity and transform your iPad use experience. For those of you using iPad in their teaching, the need to delve deeper into iPad's hidden features is even bigger. You can use the same sources we used for writing today's post, Apple's Tips app and iPad User Guide for iOS 10.2, to learn more about your iPad and make the best of it in your instruction.  We have gone through guidelines provided there and came up with the list below. These are useful iPad  tips/features we think you need to know about as a teacher or parent. While most of these tips work on iOS 10 and up some are exclusive to iOS 10.2. Check them out and as always share with us your feedback in out Facebook page.