Longevity science
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Longevity science
Live longer in good health and you will have a chance to extend your healthy life even further
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"Dr. Spindler presentation at the European Aging Conference video: Metoprolol identified as a life extending drug"

Metoprolol had already been identified by me as a life extending drug based on two human RCTs which reported mortality reductions in hypertensives that exceeded the standard mortality rate, as well as the control groups. PMID: 3293400, PMID: 1682683. 


There is no indication that these hypertensives should have mortality rates better than the general population, therefore the bettering of the standard mortality rates makes these drugs anti-aging.



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Is there a biological limit to longevity? | KurzweilAI

Is there a biological limit to longevity? | KurzweilAI | Longevity science | Scoop.it

Gerontologists and demographers have argued about this for a long time, with the balance of opinion heavily influenced by the changes seen in the wealthiest nations’ “survival curves” — graphs showing, broadly speaking, the proportion of an initial population that survived to a given age.

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Immortal worms defy aging | KurzweilAI

Immortal worms defy aging | KurzweilAI | Longevity science | Scoop.it

How do they do it?


There are two types of worm that can regenerate their cells indefinitely, leading researchers to question—is this a key to immortality?

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Telomerase Gene Therapy Extends Lives Of Mice By Up To 24 Percent

Telomerase Gene Therapy Extends Lives Of Mice By Up To 24 Percent | Longevity science | Scoop.it

The latest in the fight against ever dying is a gene therapy that gives mice a healthy dose of telomerase, the enzyme that keeps our chromosomes – and thus our cells and bodies – “young.”


The therapy extended the lifespans of mice by 24 percent and, at least so far, the therapy appears to be completely safe...

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Cost of Aging Rising Rapidly

Cost of Aging Rising Rapidly | Longevity science | Scoop.it

"People worldwide are living three years longer than expected on average, pushing up the costs of aging by 50 percent, and governments and pension funds are ill prepared, the International Monetary Fund said.


Already the cost of caring for aging baby boomers is beginning to strain government budgets, particularly in advanced economies where by 2050 the elderly will match the numbers of workers almost one for one. The IMF study shows that the problem is global and that longevity is a bigger risk than thought.”

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How to Extend Lifespan | Steven Pearson

How to Extend Lifespan | Steven Pearson | Longevity science | Scoop.it

Steps you can take to extend your lifespan...


“We all have a pretty basic idea of what we should do to stay healthy. Those basic ideas are a primary factor in our current calculated lifespan. Everything you have been through, and everything you will go through will determine how many years you have left on the clock. Taking it further, those same factors will determine how many of those years will be healthy.


In order to truly extend your lifespan, you've got to take the reins, make the right choices, and raise the bar on what it means to stay healthy. Treat aging as a disease, not a process.”

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Kurzweil Talks About Achievable Immortality On PBS NewsHour | Singularity Hub

Kurzweil Talks About Achievable Immortality On PBS NewsHour | Singularity Hub | Longevity science | Scoop.it

A few weeks ago, PBS NewsHour ran a 10-minute piece with Kurzweil titled “As Humans and Computers Merge…Immortality?” from correspondent Paul Solman for his economics-focused Making Sen$e of Financial News.


Solman probes Kurzweil for some insights about where technology is headed in the coming decades, covering topics like artificial intelligence, extending lifespans through supplementation, and digital resurrection of the deceased as avatars.

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People on calorie restriction have better heart rate variability

People who restrict their caloric intake in an effort to live longer have hearts that function more like those in people who are 20 years younger.

Researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis have found that a key measure of the heart's ability to adapt to physical activity, stress, sleep and other factors that influence the rate at which the heart pumps blood, doesn't decline nearly as rapidly in people who have significantly restricted their caloric intake for an average of seven years.

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Exercise, vitamin D may prevent falls: guidelines

Exercise, vitamin D may prevent falls: guidelines | Longevity science | Scoop.it
NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Older adults who are at high risk of falls should have physical therapy and take vitamin D supplements to reduce their chance of injury, according to new recommendations from...
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Gene therapy for aging-associated decline tested | KurzweilAI

Gene therapy for aging-associated decline tested | KurzweilAI | Longevity science | Scoop.it

Research extended mouse lifespan by up to 24% using gene therapy.


The therapy also decreased the signs of aging. For example, it improved muscle health and delayed the diseases of aging such as osteoporosis and insulin resistance.


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The Apparent Ceiling on Lifespan

The Apparent Ceiling on Lifespan | Longevity science | Scoop.it

Although people are living longer as a group, the maximum lifespan seems to be fixed at 114. Why?


There are a number of potential explanations, but we may find that today’s predictions and reasons are completely irrelevant in tomorrow's world.

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