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'Dollar valueless, about to crash' - World Bank whistleblower

The US government shutdown - a temporary ailment or a symptom of a grave disease? Are the Republicans right in their move to block Obamacare spending? Who ga...
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▶ Sexy Motha ft. Joseph Gordon-Levitt - YouTube

Two friends break into song, crash a PTA meeting, and tell us why they love moms. A lot. Written with collaborators from HitRECord!!

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Dieudonné becomes an international Hero against #ShoahBusiness

Dieudonné becomes an international Hero against #ShoahBusiness | misc news | Scoop.it
Frère Nathanael parle de Dieudonné et de "la religion de la shoah" en France
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Closer to the Light

What happens when we die? Melvin Morse, once an associate professor of pediatrics at the University of Washington and author of "Closer to the Light: Learning from the Near Death Experiences of Children," seeks to answer this age old question. Morse explains to Upon Reflection host Marcia Alvar how values transform a child's perception of death and the controversy surrounding his profession.

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Balance Artists


Balance Artist "Rocky Byun", at the Dubai Mall. Music: Instrumental Rendition of "We Are Young" by "Fun"

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BEST stories of People who have seen HEAVEN and HELL.

Hear the awesome stories of 16 people, who were eyewitnesses of the SUPERNATURAL, and saw Life after Death, Jesus, Angels, Heaven and Hell.


A voir également :

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Satanism and Elite Pedophile Rings (Alex Jones & David Icke) #infowars

Alex Jones welcomes English writer and lecturer David Icke on the historic non-stop 48 hour Infowars Money Bomb broadcast about Jimmy Saville and the establishment's grand scale coverup of industrialised pedophilia. And also how the parasitic, demonic global elite practise wide scale child abuse and satanic rituals as they continue to move forwards in implementing their nefarious "New World Order".


"British author David Icke has written 20 books and traveled to over 55 countries since 1990. His books reveal how a hidden hand is behind world-changing events like the attacks of 9/11 and the manufactured wars in the Middle East, as part of a mass mind manipulation technique he has dubbed problem-reaction-solution. While being controversial and often heavily ridiculed and attacked, David Icke has driven on with his unrelentless investigation into subject areas that others don't dare touch. He reveals information that has been kept from a "dumbed down" population and has allowed the establishment to treat them as nothing more than slaves to a sinister hidden agenda.

His books are some of the most comprehensive exposés of the global conspiracy ever written and among them are: And the Truth Shall Set You Free, The Biggest Secret, Remember Who You Are and Human Race Get Off Your Knees: The Lion Sleeps No More.

Many have dubbed Icke as the "most controversial speaker" on the planet. They used to laugh at him, but now they come in the thousands to hear him speak all over the world.

Nonetheless, David's words are designed to inspire all of us to be who we really are, to fling open the door of the mental prison we build for ourselves and to walk into the light of freedom."

David Icke's website: http://www.davidicke.com/

Alex Jone's websites:


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"Democide is when your government kills you" @RealAlexJones

"Democide is when your government kills you" (Alex Jones)


A new documentary from Alex Jones definitively declares war against the attempts to control the population through a fear of false dangers. The facts are in-- terrorism as a mass threat is a hoax. It is government, and the elite who control it, that pose the real threat to humanity. This new film will serve as evidence to the fact that government is history's greatest killer-- with various regimes claiming more than 262,000,000 unnatural deaths in the 20th Century alone. Now, a 21st century technocratic global corporate tyranny seeks to kill not mere millions but billions-- through their superweapons, central banking warfare model and eugenics mindset.






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It`s a Revolution of Perception (David Icke)

http://www.davidicke.com http://www.thepeoplesvoice.tv/watchnow
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2013 IS STRANGE Part 23 NOVEMBER #px

My series include strange phenomena of all kinds and awesome natural events or beautiful phenomena of year 2013 only . Enjoy my editing! This is an education...
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Alain Soral denounces zionist Manuel Valls (French Minister of Interior) (EN subtitles)

taken from July-August interview Alain Soral (E&R) translated by Felly Soulfurious contact me directly if you notice any mistakes in the translation. thank you
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Confirmation of Planet X Orbit ? #planetx #px #poleshift

This has to be IT! Coordinates match, axis shifts match, ancient myths match!!! This has to be the orbit of Planet X/Nibiru! Planet X articles

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Rabbis protesting JNF at Governor's Mansion in Denver

This protest took place on October 25, 2013 while Gov. Hickenlooper hosted for lunch the Chairman of the Jewish National Fund [JNF], an Israeli organization.
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USA : le programme des bons alimentaires sera amputé de 5 milliards

USA : le programme des bons alimentaires sera amputé de 5 milliards | misc news | Scoop.it
Ce chiffre peut être difficile à appréhender mais voici ce qu’il signifie sur le terrain. Il représente une perte de 21 repas par mois pour une famille de quatre personnes bénéficiant du Programme d’alimentation supplémentaire ( SNAP).
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▶ Jewish Rabbi explaining the difference between Judaism and Zionism - YouTube

Rabbi Dovid Feldman from Neturei Karta International speaking to a gathering at a Muslim center in Atlanta, Georgia , late evening on Saterday, July 26, 2014...
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How Does A Homeless Man Spend $100?


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The Elite bloodline from ancient time till now - YouTube

The history of Satanism and the Bohemian Grove
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"The World is Waking Up to the New World Order"

produced by: Roger L. Griffith
music by: Nosaj Thing

Anti-Illuminati graffiti artist Mear One takes a stab at waking folks up across the pond.

In his latest amazing stop-motion video, the artist creates a mural depicting a group of wealthy businessmen huddled around a monopoly board situated "on the backs of the working class" with a background of the all-seeing eye pyramid and coal and nuclear plants polluting the earth behind them.


Early on several people were expressing their disgust and hatred at the sight of the all-seeing eye, who they said was a symbol of their oppression. Little did they know the artist intended his work to spark conversation, debate and critical thought.

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"Democide is when your government kills you" (Alex Jones) #USA

"Democide is when your government kills you" (Alex Jones) #USA | misc news | Scoop.it
A new documentary from Alex Jones definitively declares war against the attempts to control the population through a fear of false dangers. The facts are in– terrorism as a mass threat is a hoax. It is government, and the elite who control it, that pose the real threat to humanity. This new film will serve as evidence to the fact that government is history’s greatest killer
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While most of us want the best phone or the biggest TV for the holidays, there are a lot of people out there who just need the basics like food and clothing....
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▶ Clearly explained why real Jews are anti-zionists

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Nassim Haramein & Amber - Orgasm During Child Birth

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Woman named Veronica, is exorcised by Bob Larson ( Video not for kids ).

In the below scripture it gives an account of Jesus driving out a demon Mark 1:24-26........"What do you want with us, Jesus of Nazareth? Have you come to de...
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Un artiste de rue joue la musique avec des verres


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A boy who sees without eyes

The story of Ben Underwood, a blind boy who has learned to develop skills which enable him to draw a detailed mental plan of his surroundings.





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