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Use of eHealth Technologies Common in MS Community  #hcsmeufr #esante #digitalhealth

From www.mdedge.com

Use of eHealth technologies is common in the multiple sclerosis (MS) population and facilitates the exchange of health care information with providers, according to a recent study.


However, use of eHealth and mHealth technologies varies substantially with sociodemographic factors, and health care providers need to be aware of these disparities as these technologies are increasingly leveraged in health care settings.


Researchers surveyed participants in the North American Research Committee on Multiple Sclerosis (NARCOMS) Registry in 2017 about their use of eHealth technologies using questions adapted from the Health Information National Trends (HINTS) 4 Cycle 4 survey. They found:


  • Of 6,423 participants included in the analysis, most participants were female, and white, with a mean (SD) age of 59.7 (10.1) years.
  • Overall, 5,408 (84.2%) had exchanged medical information with a health professional most often using a secure online portal (1,839, 28.6%), followed by email (1,327, 20.7%).
  • Of the 5,529 smartphone and tablet users, 2,556 (46.2%) used an mHealth app.


read original at https://www.mdedge.com/clinicalneurologynews/clinical-edge/summary/multiple-sclerosis/use-ehealth-technologies-common-ms


How Users Experience and Use an #eHealth Intervention Based on Self-Regulation. #study #hcsmeufr #esante #digitalhealth

From biblio.ugent.be

The objective of this study was to investigate how users experience the implementation of self-regulation techniques
in a Web-based intervention targeting physical activity and sedentary behavior in the general population.


Background: eHealth interventions show stronger effects when informed by solid behavioral change theories; for example,
self-regulation models supporting people in translating vague intentions to specific actions have shown to be effective in altering
health behaviors. Although these theories inform developers about which behavioral change techniques should be included, they
provide limited information about how these techniques can be engagingly implemented in Web-based interventions. Considering
the high levels of attrition in eHealth, investigating users’ experience about the implementation of behavior change techniques might be a fruitful avenue.


The techniques “providing feedback on performance,” “action planning,” and “prompting review of behavioral goals”
were appreciated by users.

However, the implementation of “barrier identification/problem solving” appeared to frustrate users; this was also reflected by the users’ website data—many coping plans were of poor quality.

Most users were well aware of the benefits of adopting a more active way of living and stated not to have learned novel information. However, they appreciated the provided information because it reminded them about the importance of having an active lifestyle. Furthermore, prompting users to self-monitor their behavioral change was not sufficiently stimulating to make users actually monitor their behavior.


Conclusions: Iteratively involving potential end users offers guidance to optimally adapt the implementation of various

manoj's curator insight, October 20, 2018 4:38 AM
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Samsung the pharmaceutical company, and the coming changes in rheumatoid and psoriatic arthritis

From stwem.com

In case you haven’t heard: Samsung is now a pharmaceutical company, or at least on the point of becoming one. Subsequent to its having invested at least $2b in biopharmaceuticals, the South Korean giant will be bringing a biosimilar version of Amgen’s Enbrel to market in 2016.

That’s right.

In 2016, a company best known for its consumer electronics and heavily invested in mobile health is going to start producing pharmaceuticals, and will apparently begin by bringing a treatment to market which will presumably make it a dominant force overnight in the two disease areas in which Enbrel has indications, namely moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis, and psoriatic arthritis.

The implications of this for legacy pharmaceutical companies are wide-reaching and significant. Let’s consider a few of them (I anticipate updating this post over the next few months):

- Samsung now has more touch points across the health ecosystem than any other pharmaceutical company. ...

- Samsung’s total focus on customer experience and design makes it a credible champion of the participatory patient’s interests. ...

- Hundreds of millions of people carry this pharmaceutical company’s brand with them day and night. ...

- Consumers will think of Samsung as a consumer electronics company that makes pharmaceuticals. ...

- Samsung will be the first consumer technology company to enter the pharmaceutical marketplace, but it will not be the last.

If this thought doesn’t focus legacy pharmaceutical companies into throwing everything they have into reforming themselves as social business, nothing will. The survival of even the largest companies is far from certain when giants such as Samsung have set their sights upon entering the industry.

Samsung doesn’t think like a pharmaceutical company.

Pharmaceutical companies better start thinking like Samsung.

rob halkes's curator insight, May 14, 2014 12:53 PM

Great blog by Andrew Spong, keen enough to see the great potential.. very much inspiring to all of pharma ;-) 

Must read, and still more: must think!

Five apps account for 15% of all health app downloads - Mobile World Live

From www.mobileworldlive.com

A study found just five apps account for 15 per cent of all downloads in the healthcare category, an example say the authors of a significant skew in how the market works.
rob halkes's curator insight, November 4, 2013 1:56 PM

Mhealth applications are lowering the threshold to people to be more active with their own health.

eMedToday's curator insight, November 5, 2013 8:00 PM

Furthermore, the typical app profile does not address the major crisis in healthcare which is patients dealing with chronic diseases, who typically are aged over 65. They are the patients on which most resources are invested, but among whom smartphone penetration is lowest – only 18 per cent in the US against 55 per cent of those aged 45-54.

There is a big opportunity for Pharma to develop mobile apps related to chronic diseasess

From eHealth to mHealth: mobile phones look after your health

From mobileworldcapital.com

Analysis of the influence of technology and smartphones in the field of medicine and how it they can be used to look after our health. @MWCBarcelona

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Les finalistes des trophées de la e-santé enfin en ligne !

From www.sante-digitale.fr



C’est avec  grand plaisir que nous vous informons que l’Université d’été de la e-santé ouvre ces portes cette année du 3 au 5 juillet à Castres. Cet événement soutient et récompense tous les entrepreneurs, chercheurs, étudiants et professionnels de santé qui œuvrent pour le développement de solutions et d’applications dans le domaine des Technologies de l’Information et de la Communication (TIC) pour la Santé. 


Voici, pour cette année, la liste des finalistes qui concourent pour les Trophées de la e-santé 2013 : 

TÉLÉMÉDECINE : Téléconsultation, télé expertise, télésurveillance, téléassistance.

-          Projet MELODY (ADECOTECH)
-          Projet IKARE CLOUD (ITRUST)
-          Projet Télémédecine (CLINIQUE SAINT-EXUPERY)
-          Projet e-c@rdiologie (CLINIQUE PASTEUR)
-          Projet Bodyguardian (BOUYGUES TELECOM)
-          Projet FIRST PROST (FIRST)
-          Projet Pulso a Punto (CETEMMSA)

AUTONOMIE ET MAINTIEN À DOMICILE : Domotique, géo localisation, détecteurs de chute.

-          Projet MADAM (EQUADEX)
-          Projet PAELIFE (GENIGRAPH)
-          Projet MemoActiv (PATIENTSWORLD)

M-HEALTH : Applications mobiles – télémedecine mobile. 

-       Projet DOC ZEN (ANAXIMANDRE)
-       Projet DOCTORALIA’s app (DOCTORALIA)


RÉSEAUX SOCIAUX : Portails internet/espaces de veille, d’échanges et de partage des connaissances patients/familles/accompagnants/soignants…

-     Projet SF4LS (BIOIB)

PROJETS ÉTUDIANTS : Projets réalisés par des étudiants dans le domaine de la esanté.

-     Projet APPLICATION IPHONE e-cicat (Master STIC SANTE réseau CICAT-LR)
-     Projet MédiCoodin’ (Université Paul Sabatier Toulouse)

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