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Will virtual primary care become a new model of healthcare delivery?

From www.healthcareitnews.com

The pandemic drove many patients to their primary care docs via video. And it worked.


A telehealth expert (Dr. Peter Antall) explains how this shift could become a permanent hybrid with in-person care in an Interview with healthcareITNews


Here is a summary from the interview.


What is Virtual Primary Care

Virtual primary care is allowing patients to see their primary care physician in person or virtually, depending on their needs.


It combines the convenience of telehealth with the ability to strengthen recurring relationships with primary care physicians. It also can help provide a medical home for patients who have no primary care physician, either due to lack of access or lack of engagement.


The emergence of virtual primary care stems from the recognition that the traditional primary care model doesn't work well for many patients.


Access to care remains a major issue for many patients, due to geographical constraints and a growing shortage of primary care physicians, which has only been exacerbated by the pandemic.


Do Patients Want it?

Patients are receptive. A recent Amwell survey shows consumers want a virtual approach to primary care –

  • Most consumers (77%) would prefer to see their existing primary care provider via video.
  • 25% of consumers are willing to switch providers to get it.
  • 80% saying they would prefer to see the same primary care physician regularly via virtual care.


Can virtual primary care provide a simple, seamless care experience? How are patients supported throughout the care process?


The best virtual primary care programs are well coordinated and enable a seamless care experience with the ability to transition patients between in-person and virtual care settings, and to various specialties or allied care providers as needed.


In this way the care is holistic and the patient journey is clear and simple.


Data sharing is an important part of creating a highly coordinated and seamless care experience. Records from all visits should be available to all providers on the telehealth platform across specialties and should be shared with the primary care physician in brick and mortar if one exists. This interoperability improves care and improves the referral and transition process.


To ensure patients are supported, virtual primary care programs should include care coordination capabilities.  For example, secure messaging between patients, healthcare professionals and administrative staff can help patients receive quick answers to their questions and ensure that all of their needs are met in a timely fashion, even after a visit has finished.



Can virtual primary care help with population health?


The flexibility of remote access makes it possible for providers to see patients' living conditions, evaluate social determinants of health, and respond in ways that make a deep impact on patients' lives.


Providers also can leverage virtual primary care to evaluate medication adherence among patients with diabetes, hypertension and high cholesterol. When breakdowns in medication adherence are discovered, providers and support staff can work to engage patients in following their treatment plan more closely. This avoids complications that can occur when patients deviate from recommended treatment.


Improvements in compliance and ongoing care can be accomplished through use of frequent brief touchpoints, care coordination, nudges and team-based care. Prompts and reminders can be used to reinforce the care plan.


With capabilities such as these, virtual primary care positions providers and health plans not only to improve population health, but also to perform well under value-based models of care.


More and more, it's clear that the future of care depends on hybrid models of care delivery such as this and I believe we've only just begun to scratch the surface of what's possible with virtual primary care and how it contributes to the continued transformation of healthcare.


read the unedited article on the interview at https://www.healthcareitnews.com/news/will-virtual-primary-care-become-new-model-healthcare-delivery




Lire l'article complet sur : www.healthcareitnews.com

nrip's curator insight, May 29, 2021 3:52 AM

As we learn to live the after effects of the pandemic, even the skeptics have started agreeing  that the future of care depends on hybrid models. A healthy mix of physical and tele(read virtual/remote) will be adopted - even by unwilling care providers as the consumers have clearly got a taste for it and liked it. And once we accept the hybrid model opening the doors for a accepted technology driven care process (unlike EHR's in 2010), the doors may widely open up further to allow Algorithmic analysis tools, screeners, diagostics to further add flavor to this mix.

kens's curator insight, September 10, 2022 6:51 PM
keira's curator insight, May 9, 2023 8:49 PM
technology will be more or less involved in most of the occupations as the world is moving forwards technologically.

Brazil’s healthtech sector is new hot spot –

From techcrunch.com

Like recent Brazilian investment booms focused on fintech innovation and new on-demand business models, there’s been a recent explosion in healthtech startups in Brazil.


About 75 percent of Brazil’s population (approximately 150 million people) only have access to the public healthcare system, which is poorly managed and inefficient. Often times, to schedule a single consultation or exam, a patient needs to wait weeks or even months to see a care provider. Technology-driven startups are springing up to address better, more efficient access to healthcare for a large and aging population.


To help make healthcare advice, diagnosis and monitoring more accessible, telehealth services in Brazil are expanding. 


Like many industries, AI and data analytics are transforming healthcare in Brazil and beyond from improving the speed of patient diagnoses to managing healthcare costs.


Last year, the Brazilian government launched a project to modernize patient records for more than 42,000 public health clinics across the country by the end of 2018. This digitization of records is estimated to save the federal government about $6.8 billion according to The World Bank. As of late last year, only 30 million Brazilians (out of 208 million) had electronic medical records (EMR), and nearly two-thirds of the family clinics in Brazil didn’t have any way of recording digital information about their patients.


Another major issue caused by a lack of digitization is that close to 70 percent of medical prescriptions in Brazil have potential for errors, according to the World Health Organization. As a result, Brazil has thousands of deaths per year linked to medication errors. A good number of them could be avoided by scanning. In the U.S., more than 77 percent of prescriptions are already done digitally.


Certainly, healthtech startups in Brazil have emerged as a sector to watch, and we’re only at the tip of the iceberg in terms of problems in the country to be addressed by healthtech innovation. The key ingredients to create another boom sector like fintech in the region are abundant. Healthtech in Brazil will surely remain a hot spot for entrepreneurs, and the investors who believe in them, for many years to come.

nrip's curator insight, October 11, 2018 1:15 AM

I have never posted something like this on this blog. 


I feel an upcoming market sometimes needs exposure so others can see opportunities to help, invest and mentor the growth there. I felt there are tons of new opportunities for so many of this blogs readers when I was reading this, and so I felt it would be useful to share.


Please use the comments section below, or the form on the right in case you wish to simply obtain some specific information or wish to collaborate and use our help with building out or scaling health tech in Brazil. 

Is it OK for digital health tools to exclude vulnerable populations?

From www.hcanews.com

Digital health is rapidly changing our lives. Almost every day, new developments using data, artificial intelligence and smartphones to improve health, on individual and population levels, are entering the market. In 2015, there were more than 40,000 healthcare apps on Apple's U.S. App Store alone. And the number has kept growing.

But in the process of delivering the next revolutionary technology, health-tech innovators have often neglected to include usability in their apps so that they may also benefit people with disabilities, research suggests 

“People with disabilities have a particularly hard time, as they are often overlooked in the design of new technology, both regarding tools and content,” noted a report titled, “Health Inequalities in eHealth Context,” by the European Commission.

“Due to their impairment, the notion of them being proficient (information and communications technology) users is often sidelined.”

So, what does this issue look like in the real world?

In August, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved the marketing of the first mobile health (mHealth) app for contraception: Natural Cycles. The app allows women to avoid pregnancy by monitoring their resting body temperature — known as the basal body temperature — and recording their data so that an algorithm can determine their daily fertility.

With “perfect use,” the app’s creators say the failure rate is 1.8 percent, which means that 1.8 in 100 women annually will become pregnant despite using the technology.

But although the app meets the FDA’s guidelines governing mHealth apps, Natural Cycles poses problems for some nontraditional eHealth users, including women who have disabilities or irregular periods.


read the whole story at https://www.hcanews.com/news/natural-cycles-is-the-first-fdaapproved-contraception-app-but-its-not-for-all-women

nrip's curator insight, October 3, 2018 12:08 AM

In the process of delivering the next revolutionary technology, health-tech innovators often neglect to look at usability in their apps for a wide variety of users. This is true for revolutionary technologies in all verticals. 


How Technology Is Changing The Medical And Healthcare Fields #hcsmeufr #esante #digitalhealth

From emedcert.com

Astonishing Advantages In Technology

Heart attacks are terrible and can kill you, but assisted cardiology methods today are saving lives across the world. This is just one example of technological advancement, but there are quite a few different changes which you may even be surprised by.


Let’s start with IoT. The Internet of Things is creating a network wherein common devices are connected continuously to the internet. This provides several advantages. One, information is uploaded regarding network and device operations such that optimization can occur. Hospitals can additionally monitor patients directly and proactively.


The second thing that happens is a sort of “floated” cloud—a cloud on the cloud, if you will. Cloud computing is a network of servers that function together as a whole. Edge computing outsources processing to individual IoT devices, so they function similar to how the cloud does. Here’s the thing: IoT has many more devices than the cloud. It can potentially be more effective.


Between cloud computing and the internet of things, information can continuously gather identifying trends that are negative, and curtailing them. Outbreaks can be caught and treated earlier. Pandemics can be contained with greater speed. Additionally, lifestyle choices resulting in extended lifespans can be found and studied almost collaterally.


Additional Areas Of Tech Development


Something else that’s characterizing the medical industry today is innovations which reduce operational expenses over time, allowing for expanded outreach, development, and innovation.


A substantial cost-reducer in terms of research comes from automated mouse ear tags; according to RapIDLab.com, these tags: “Are the newest, most humane miniature automated mouse ear tags available…[these are] the most cost-effective automated lab animal identification on the market.”


Basically, imagine a tattooed barcode instead of a clip through the ear. It takes less time to apply the tag, and it takes less time to scan the tag. Instead of writing each individual number down, researchers can use a barcode scanner and just run down the line. What took hours will now take minutes. Hours are worth hundreds, often thousands, of dollars to research facilities.


If fifteen hours are saved a month, that works out to 180 hours a year. At $100 an hour, that’s $18,000 a year. At $1,000 an hour, that’s $180,000 a year. How much does it cost an hour to run your research operation? Many operational managers will likely find even greater savings through such solutions.

Component-Specific Production And Maintenance

Another game-changer in the medical technology industry comes from Weiss-Aug.com; according to the site: “Whether a part requires stitching of terminals, molding of multiple inserts simultaneously, laser welding or wire attachment, we can help you with the proper assembly methods for your program.”


Now medical institutions can outsource business needs which previously could only be accomplished through skilled employees sourced internally, or who require a regular service agreement. This can substantially curb expenses while simultaneously expediting technology advancements which are often life-saving.


Increasing Tech Innovations Define A Zenith In Medicine

Many medical businesses are called “practices” for a reason: as much as medicine has advanced in the last several decades, the human body seems to have become more mysterious, not less. For example: we know what DNA is, and we have some idea as to its inner-workings. But it’s an example of three-dimensional code more complicated than deliberately designed computer code—it’s beyond mankind’s ability for design.


Even though there are greater opportunities today in medicine than ever before, perhaps the most interesting feature of this situation is that these developments have revealed even greater potential than could have been imagined.

james brown's curator insight, May 29, 2023 12:51 PM

Quando si tratta di questioni di salute, è fondamentale sapere quali sono le farmacie buone e cattive. Devi imparare cosa cercare in una farmacia per sapere se è quella giusta. Ricorda, hai a che fare con la vita, ecco perché devi stare attento a dove acquistare i tuoi farmaci e altre necessità farmaceutiche.



Se le ofrece medicación sin receta, Farmacia España. – una de las farmacias más confiables de España, con más de 20 años de experiencia dispensando medicamentos de calidad


5 Amazing Healthcare Technology Innovations in 2016 | referralMD

From getreferralmd.com

1.   Interoperability between Health Systems

Interoperability solutions for exchanging patient information across care settings is one particular technological development that will shape the future of healthcare organisations.

https://getreferralmd.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/interoperability-referralMD.jpg" alt="Healthcare Interoperability ">

Value-based care and health information exchanges are an increasingly important part of the overall healthcare landscape, and the ability for all providers – from general practitioners and specialists to post-acute care organisations, etc. – will only grow as a critical component of care delivery in the future.

These types of solutions have only started being developed in the past few years by companies such as referral-MD, that are changing how healthcare companies communicate by including post-acute care providers in critical interoperability workflows, as these providers are expected to be a big part of health care cost containment.


By including post-acute care in interoperability strategies, healthcare organisations can ensure that critical patient information across all care settings will be connected, providing a more detailed patient picture for more specific treatment plans and improved patient care.

The statistics are damning, hospitals lose $75+ million per year per 100 affiliated physicians due to referral leakage, a burden that can be reduced by proper referral network management that companies such as referral-MD can help monitor.  Hospitals are just starting to get make changes in their budgets to include programs that can truly help patients receive better care, and save their staff’s time in the process.

Not only are hospitals affected but so are small-to-mid sized practices, with many having to juggle 100's of speciality offices with different workflow requirements, without an electronic way to exchange information, the process breaks down, information is not accurate, and time is wasted.

2. Robotic Nurse Assistant

I have many of friends that are nurses that are injured every year from having to move or lift patients in bed or after an emergency from a fall.  The problem is very common and many of times there is not someone around that is strong enough to lift a patient immediately after one of these occurrences.

There are many variations from a full robot such as RIBA (Robot for Interactive Body Assistance) developed by RIKEN and Tokai Rubber Industries and assisted hardware such as HAL (Hybrid Assistive Limb) robot suits delivered by Cyberdyne.

https://getreferralmd.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/RIBA_robot_nurse2-277x300-1.jpg" alt="RIBA">


RIBA is the first robot that can lift up or set down a real human from or to a bed or wheelchair. RIBA does this using its very strong human-like arms and by novel tactile guidance methods using high-accuracy tactile sensors. RIBA was developed by integrating RIKEN's control, sensor, and information processing and TRI's material and structural design technologies.

https://getreferralmd.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/HAL.jpg" alt="HAL">A company by the name of HAL is a robotics device that allows a care worker to life a patient with more stability and strength and helps prevent injuries to our nurses.



3. Artificial Retinas

The United States typically defines someone as legally blind when the person’s central vision has degraded to 20/200, or the person has lost peripheral vision so that he sees less than 20 degrees outside of central vision. Normal vision is 20/20, and people can usually see up to 90 degrees with their peripheral vision. An estimated 1.1 million people in the United States are considered legally blind.

This has led to companies like Nano-Retina to develop a sophisticated and elegant solution intended to restore the sight of people who lost their vision due to retinal degenerative diseases. The miniature Nano Retina device, the NR600 Implant, replaces the functionality of the damaged photo-receptor cells and creates the electrical stimulation required to activate the remaining healthy retinal cells. NR600 consists of two components; a miniature implantable chip and a set of eyeglasses worn by the patient.

https://getreferralmd.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/Nano-Retina-e1454272108993.jpg" alt="Nano Retina">


Very interesting technology for those that are always sitting in front of the computer like myself, hopefully it will not be needed by me, but it's great that companies are advancing for those that suffer this debilitating illness.

4. Tooth Regeneration

Hey Kids, here is some candy!  All kidding aside, this could be an amazing advancement if the technology holds true in the coming years.

Colourful fish found in Africa may hold the secret to growing lost teeth. In a collaborative study between the Georgia Institute of Technology and King’s College London, researchers looked at the cichlid fishes of Lake Malawi in Africa, who lose teeth just to have a new one slide into place. Their study, published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, identifies the genes responsible for growing new teeth and may lead to the secret to "tooth regeneration" in humans.

"The exciting aspect of this research for understanding human tooth development and regeneration is being able to identify genes and genetic pathways that naturally direct continuous tooth and taste bud development in fish, and study these in mammals," said the study’s co-author Paul Sharpe, a research professor from King's College, in apress release. "The more we understand the basic biology of natural processes, the more we can utilise this for developing the next generation of clinical therapeutics: in this case how to generate biological replacement teeth."

Another study from a Harvard team successfully used low-powered lasers to activate stem cells and stimulate the growth of teeth in rats and human dental tissue in a lab. The results were published today in the journal Science Transnational Medicine.  Stem cells are no ordinary cells. They have the extraordinary ability to multiply and transform into many different types of cells in the body. They repair tissues by dividing continually either as a new stem cell or as a cell with a more specialised job, such as a red blood cell, a skin cell, or a muscle cell.

https://getreferralmd.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/tooth-regrowth-stem-cells.jpg" alt="tooth regrowth">Dentures and dental implants may soon become a thing of the past. Stem cell research is making it possible to regrow your missing teeth! This is a much-needed medical advancement, especially considering that by age 74—26% of adults have lost all of their permanent teeth.


5. Light-bulbs that Disinfect and Kill Bacteria

https://getreferralmd.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/light-bacteria.jpg" alt="http://www.indigo-clean.com/">Hospitals are known to be potentially dangerous place with lot's of people with different elements and diseases.  One company, Indigo-Clean has developed a technology using visible light that continuously disinfect the environment and bolsters your current infection prevention efforts.

How it works

  1. The 405 nm emitted from Indigo-Clean reflects off of walls and surfaces, penetrating harmful micro-organisms
  2. The light targets naturally occurring molecules called porphyrins that exist inside bacteria. The light is absorbed and the excited molecules produce Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) inside the cell
  3. 405 nm creates a chemical reaction inside the cell, similar to the effects of bleach
  4. The Reactive Oxygen Species inactivates the bacteria, preventing it from re-populating the space



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Trends and Drivers of Primary Care Physicians' Use of #HealthIT

From www.commonwealthfund.org

Commonwealth Fund researchers analyzed data from surveys of primary care physicians conducted in 2009 and 2012 to check on the progress of health IT adoption.

Adoption of health information technology (HIT) by physician practices rose considerably from 2009 to 2012, yet solo physicians lag practices of 20 or more and certain functions—like electronically exchanging information with other physicians—have been adopted by only a minority of providers. Physicians who are part of an integrated delivery system, share resources with other practices, and are eligible for financial incentives, have higher rates of HIT adoption.

Doctors are using HIT in greater numbers, spurred on in part by the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act of 2009, which provided billions to help build a national HIT infrastructure. Commonwealth Fund researchers analyzed data from surveys of primary care physicians conducted in 2009 and 2012 to check on the progress of HIT adoption and to see how certain factors—like being part of an integrated health system or using shared technical assistance programs—can influence technology take-up.

Key Findings
  • From 2009 to 2012, the rate of adoption of electronic medical records (EMRs) by U.S. primary care physicians increased by half, from 46 percent to 69 percent. HIT use rose particularly in order entry management: the proportion of physicians able to send prescriptions electronically to pharmacies nearly doubled, from 34 percent to 66 percent; electronic prescribing increased from 40 percent to 64 percent; and electronic ordering of lab tests grew from 38 percent to 54 percent.
  • In 2012, 33 percent of primary care physicians could exchange clinical summaries with other doctors, and 35 percent could share lab or diagnostic tests with doctors outside their practice.
  • As of 2012, a minority of physicians provided electronic access for patients. Roughly one-third or fewer allowed patients to electronically view test results, make appointments, or request prescription refills.
  • Practice size is a major determinant of HIT adoption. Half of physicians in solo practices use EMRs, compared with 90 percent of those in practices of 20 or more physicians.
  • Physicians who are part of an integrated delivery system (like Kaiser Permanente or the Veterans Administration), those who have arrangements with other practices to share resources (technical assistance programs for clinical information systems or quality improvement), and those who are eligible for financial incentives, have higher rates of HIT adoption.

more at http://www.commonwealthfund.org/Publications/In-the-Literature/2014/Jan/Where-Are-We-on-the-Diffusion-Curve.aspx

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Health Risk Assessments Are A Powerful Component of Population Health Management

From www.hitconsultant.net

Health Risk Assessments (HRAs) are a powerful component of population health management strategies for healthcare organizations.
kamagra-hilfe.com's curator insight, March 10, 2014 5:19 AM

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yoga accessories's curator insight, May 7, 2014 2:31 AM


Sherri Altman's curator insight, September 15, 2014 9:53 PM

Curious how these metrics compare to the HRA we have deployed to our consumers.  As an organization we have decided to target key chronic conditions to help reduce costs. What other prevention programs could or should we be considering to assist our members?