Hydrogen Sulfide and Fruit Ripening - Chapter | Plant hormones (Literature sources on phytohormones and plant signalling) | Scoop.it

Authors: Francisco J. Corpas, Salvador González-Gordo and José M. Palma.

In book: Hydrogen Sulfide and Plant Acclimation to Abiotic Stresses (2021)

Abstract: "Fruit ripening is a complex physiological process involving many external modifications affecting shape, color, flavor, and metabolite composition, among others, which are consequence of deeper changes at biochemical, molecular, and cellular level. Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) is a gasotransmitter molecule that is endogenously produced in plant cells by enzymatic processes during sulfur metabolism. At present, H2S is recognized as a new signaling molecule because it has the capacity to affect protein function through a posttranslational modification (PTM) designated persulfidation. The present chapter has the goal to provide an updated comprehensive overview of the H2S metabolism and its implication in the ripening of climacteric and non-climacteric fruits. Moreover, the beneficial effects exerted by the exogenous application of H2S during the ripening period and postharvest storage are also overviewed.