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Religion Imprisons Women | Daylight Atheism | Big Think

Religion Imprisons Women | Daylight Atheism | Big Think | Science News |

The commonalities between fundamentalist Islam and fundamentalist Judaism are striking: both want to treat women like prisoners, relegated to perpetual childbearing and restricted from participating in intellectual or public life. And it's not just these two faiths, but virtually every religion, for which this pattern holds true (this is something I've speculated on the reasons for). Contrary to the belief that religion is the source of all morality, it's a safe bet that, the more respect someone claims to have for God, the less they're likely to have for women.

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Free Will and Determinism from a Scientific and Religious Perspective

Free Will and Determinism from a Scientific and Religious Perspective | Science News |
By Suheil Laher

The debate over free will, already two millennia old[1], is still ongoing.
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Shamanism: Religion or Neurology?

Shamanism: Religion or Neurology? | Science News |
Traditional shamanism is neither exclusive nor inclusive. Such limits do not need to be placed. Drawing on the same neurological processes, both accomplish healing outcomes different ways.
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Army Wants an Honest-to-God B.S. Detector

Army Wants an Honest-to-God B.S. Detector | Science News |

It’s the latest edition of the military’s eternal quest for “A Thingamajig that Solves All Terrorism.” This time, the Army wants a portable gadget that can detect American foes, liars and other delinquent characters with near-perfect accuracy, and do it without ever making physical contact. Yeah, good luck with that, boys.

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Possession syndrome: an epidemiological ... [Indian J Psychiatry. 1981] - PubMed - NCBI

A house to house survey was conducted for a population of 1158 in west Karnataka to determine the prevalence of possession syndrome and to study people's attitude towards the same. One year period prevalence was found to be 3.7%. 90% of the respondents believed in possession. Women more than men shared this belief. Spirit possession was reported to be troublesome but God possession as helpful. Number of God possession cases exceeded tint of spirit possession. Female sex, young age, low education appeared to predispose an individual to get possessed in such atmosphere.

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Science belongs to the religious too

Science belongs to the religious too | Science News |
Fern Elsdon-Baker: Sadly, we've reached a point where I have to declare my atheism and some scientists are scared to 'come out' as Christian...
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'Ghostwriting' the Torah? New algorithm distinguishes contributors to the Old Testament with high accuracy

'Ghostwriting' the Torah? New algorithm distinguishes contributors to the Old Testament with high accuracy | Science News |
In both Jewish and Christian traditions, Moses is considered the author of the Torah, the first five books of the Bible. Scholars have furnished evidence that multiple writers had a hand in composing the text of the Torah.
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Does God exist?

Does God exist? | Science News |
The case for reconciling the scientific with the divine -- and against the anti-religion of Richard Dawkins...
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Archaeologist argues world's oldest temples were not temples at all

Archaeologist argues world's oldest temples were not temples at all | Science News |
Ancient structures uncovered in Turkey and thought to be the world's oldest temples may not have been strictly religious buildings after all, according to a new article.
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19th century 'Protestant work ethic' at heart of Europe's North/South debt crisis split

19th century 'Protestant work ethic' at heart of Europe's North/South debt crisis split | Science News |
Research from the University of Warwick suggests the 19th Century 'protestant work ethic' could have given the economies of northern Europe a head start on their southern neighbours, and is still shaping popular northern European feeling that...
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Through the Wormhole: The God Experience : Video : Science Channel

One neuroscientist believes our experiences with the divine can be induced by sending electromagnetic signals into the brain.
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Model predicts 'religiosity gene' will dominate society

Model predicts 'religiosity gene' will dominate society | Science News |

In the past 20 years, the Amish population in the US has doubled, increasing from 123,000 in 1991 to 249,000 in 2010. The huge growth stems almost entirely from the religious culture’s high fertility rate, which is about 6 children per woman, on average. At this rate, the Amish ...

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'The Wondrous Universe: Creation without Creator?'

'The Wondrous Universe: Creation without Creator?' | Science News |

The world as it is viewed from modern physics and cosmology has many strange and unexpected features. Often these are in stark contrast to our everyday experience or our preconceptions, such as the concept of space and time as finite and changeable.

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The history of angels

The history of angels | Science News |

Angels are everywhere today—on lapel pins, magnetic dashboard figures, keepsake ornaments and in a Pulitzer Prize-winning play. But interest in angels is more than a contemporary fad. According to a University of Michigan historian, angels stirred intense interest in the early years of Christianity as well.

"Just as many people today think of pets as part of their families, many people in the first 500 years of Christianity were convinced that angels were part of their lives," said Ellen Muehlberger, assistant professor of Near Eastern studies and history at the U-M College of Literature, Science, and the Arts.

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Does Religion Make Your Brain Happy? An Interview with Science Writer David DiSalvo

Does Religion Make Your Brain Happy? An Interview with Science Writer David DiSalvo | Science News |
Quite often, what makes us happy and what is actually good for us are directly at odds with each other. What worked for us evolutionarily over the millenia frequently becomes counter-productive in ...
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Study connects religious service attendance to less depression

(Medical Xpress) -- A new study published in the Journal of Religion and Health has connected the regular attendance of religious services with an increased level of optimism and a decreased risk of depression.
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Belief in god cuts two ways, study finds

Belief in god cuts two ways, study finds | Science News |
Being reminded of the concept of God can decrease people's motivation to pursue personal goals but can help them resist temptation, according to new research published by the American Psychological Association.
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Why Assaulting Religion With Science Is Nuts | Mind Matters | Big Think

Why Assaulting Religion With Science Is Nuts | Mind Matters | Big Think | Science News |

Aside from the "they are evil" hyperbole, which suggests that New Atheists know they are talking to themselves alone, I also think their project has a more fundamental flaw: Their attack on religion is based on the premise that scientific accounts of reality are the only reliable source of truth about the world. But, as Scott Atran has pointed out, the whole point of religious faith is that it is contrary to what we know by material means—that is why it's faith. In other words, it is because it's impossible for the sun to stand still that people value their belief that God made the sun stand still for Joshua.

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Study: Religion Only Helps People Whose Lives Are Hard | Mind Matters | Big Think

Study: Religion Only Helps People Whose Lives Are Hard | Mind Matters | Big Think | Science News |

Maybe there are no atheists in foxholes, as the William T. Cummings famously said. But who the hell wants to live in a foxhole? Most of us would prefer a better crib. So if religion comforts the oppressed and miserable, it should follow that a lessening of human misery should lead to a drop-off in religious belief. That is, in any event, the conclusion of this paper, published recently in The Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. It analyzed self-reports from hundreds of thousands of people worldwide and found that there is indeed a connection between religious faith and happiness—but only in troubled societies.

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Science vs. Spirituality: Deepak Chopra And Leonard Mlodinow Discuss 'War Of The Worldviews'

Science vs. Spirituality: Deepak Chopra And Leonard Mlodinow Discuss 'War Of The Worldviews' | Science News |
The debate between science and spirituality is framed as a knock down fight for truth with winner take all. But does it have to be that way?
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You can wash away your troubles, with soap

You can wash away your troubles, with soap | Science News |

Religious rites like baptism make psychological sense, the article suggests. Says Lee: "Cleansing is about the removal of residues." By washing the hands, taking a shower, or even thinking of doing so, "people can rid themselves of a sense of immorality, lucky or unlucky feelings, or doubt about a decision. The bodily experience of removing physical residues can provide the basis of removing more abstract mental residues."

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"Religion is as Human as the Flint Ax and the Computer"

"Religion is as Human as the Flint Ax and the Computer" | Science News |

Toolmaking made us human. Early hominids understood cause and effect and came to believe in unseen gods and spirits as causes for life's great mysteries, including illness and death.

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Science and religion do mix

Science and religion do mix | Science News |
Throughout history, science and religion have appeared as being in perpetual conflict, but a new study by Rice University suggests that only a minority of scientists at major research universities see religion and science as requiring distinct...
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