This Will Be The #1 Business Skill Of The Next 5 Years | Linked In | :: The 4th Era :: |

by Shane Snow


"Every few minutes, a new buzzword rips through the business world, skids, gets a few quick books written on it, and ends up in a pile of tired terms next to "synergy." Today, one of the biggest corporate buzzwords is "storytelling." Marketers are obsessed with storytelling, and conference panels on the subject lately have fewer empty seats than a Bieber concert.


"Funny thing is, storytelling has been the buzzword off and on since advertising became a thing. It's always coming out of the buzzword pile because, at the end of the day, it's a timeless skill. Stories have been an essential driver of change throughout human history. For good and for ill.


"And now more than ever, businesses, workers, and leaders have opportunities to stand out, spread messages, and make change through storytelling.


"Good stories surprise us. They have compelling characters. They make us think, make us feel. They stick in our minds and help us remember ideas and concepts in a way that numbers and text on a slide with a bar graph don't."