Open source UTK initiative designed to lower cost of HBB devices | Video Breakthroughs |

There is a new initiative to make it easier, cheaper and faster to build hybrid DVB/IP receivers and initially it is aimed at the Tier 2 and Tier 3 Consumer Electronics market, although the company behind the new open source stack-kit believes that T1 connected TV device makers and even platform operators may eventually see value in their work. The new UTK stack-kit was officially unveiled at IBC in September and is driven by Pixsan Digital Software, which describes itself as the master gatekeeper for the stack.

Like RDK, UTK exploits gstreamer (which will be available in a number of next-generation chipsets, according to Williams) and Qt frameworks (which has 450 developers working on it) to create what Pixsan claims is a compelling hybrid TV architecture. As well as being the ‘master gatekeeper’ Pixsan Digital is a lead developer and will assist other UTK licensees with modules for building into devices.