Mystery Ohio Person Has a New Kind of COVID, High Viral Load | Virus World |

A researcher found a "cryptic" COVID lineage — a version of the virus never seen before — in Ohio. One person is shedding the virus into wastewater. Earlier this year, Marc Johnson, a professor of molecular microbiology and immunology at the University of Missouri School of Medicine, took to Twitter with an appeal: "Help me solve a COVID cryptic lineage mystery." Johnson told Insider that he was looking through a database of COVID samples when he came across a brand-new version, or "lineage," of the virus. There were massive amounts of this unique strain, all coming from one mystery person in Ohio. The viral material has been primarily found at two sites: The city of Columbus and 40 miles away in the city of Washington Court House — Johnson says the person may live in one city and work in the other. He says that this isn't "an imminent public-health threat," and that the person likely has a form of "long COVID" that isn't contagious.