New Predictions by IHME Estimate Over 208,000 COVID-19 U.S. Deaths by November | Virus World |

Updated  projections (July 7) by the Institute of Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME), now estimate over 208,000 total deaths in the United States by November first. These new numbers estimate 75,000 additional deaths will occur in the following 4 months. The model predicts that up to 40,000 deaths can be avoided by implementing universal wearing of face masks in the U.S. The model forecasts 600-700 daily deaths  in the U.S. through the summer, later increasing as we enter into the flu season.


By comparison, under easing mandates, near 1300 average daily deaths  are predicted by November in the U.S. The model also estimates significant burden of disease in Brazil,  with 176,000 cumulative  deaths by the first of November.