Database of COVID-19  Vaccines and Therapeutics Under Development - by the Milken Institute | Virus World |

The Milken Institute’s COVID-19 Treatment and Vaccine Tracker tracks the development of treatments and vaccines for COVID-19 (coronavirus). Explore the latest updates on the urgent race to develop a COVID-19 vaccine.


FasterCures, a center of the Milken Institute, has curated one of the most detailed and complete databases of treatments and vaccines for COVID-19. The database tracks over 500 therapeutics and prophylactics generated from publicly-available information from validated sources. The database is searchable, and information can be filtered by multiple criteria, including among others the stage of the therapy or vaccine, type of product, developer, and sponsors of clinical trials. Each entry contains important information such as dates and key milestones of each vaccine or therapy, and links to clinical trials and key research publications.


When visiting the site ensure you click on the spreadsheet link to access the searchable and filter options of the database tracker


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