'Revolutionary' New 4-in-1 Test Can Tell the Difference Between Swine Flu, Covid, RSV, and Flu | Virus World | Scoop.it

GETTING a cough, fever or sore throat at this time of year could be down to any number of things, from a common cold to Covid-19. With a new strain of swine flu being detected in the UK


The London Medical Laboratory said its test can be taken at 95 selected pharmacies, drop-in clinics and health stores nationwide. You can find a full list of the places they're sold here. Otherwise, you can also order the test online to be delivered to your home. Dr Narayanan said: "The current strains of flu that are circulating may produce only mild illness in one person but may cause severe symptoms and even prove fatal to others. "This is particularly important in people with pre-existing health conditions and long-term diseases. Similarly, while the RSV virus may only produce chesty cold symptoms in some people, it can severely affect elderly people and children. "All of these viruses, including swine flu, display very similar initial symptoms to the common cold, but these symptoms may quickly escalate."


Taking a test to identify which virus is causing your symptoms could bring "peace of mind" to some or ensure "they are not endangering anyone in their family this festive season", the clinical lead claimed. The fact that the UKHSA is still working to ascertain the source of the H1N2 strain spotted in the North Yorkshire resident is another reason people might want to get tested, Dr Narayanan added.

Where else can I get these test?

The 95 pharmacies and clinics aren't the only place you can take a test telling the difference between the viruses. Online pharmacy Chemist Connect sells a kit by the brand CordX that claims to test for Covid, influenza A and B and RSV. It carries a much lower price tag too - £37.95, along with a delivery charge. Granted, that's still a fair amount pay for a test. Alternatively, you can nab Flowflex Flu Test and Covid Test Bundle at your local Boots. It won't be able to test for RSV - but you'll only have to shell out £4 for the two kits that come in the bundle. You can buy a five-pack of Influenza A/B Rapid Test at Tesco for £12. You can't get a free Covid-19 PCR test any more and rapid lateral flow tests are no longer free for most people. But according to NHS guidance, you might be eligible to get them for free if:

  • You have a health condition which means you're at high risk of getting seriously ill from Covid
  • You work in healthcare settings or in a hospice